How to Battle the “What-If’s” of Life

How to Battle the “What-If’s” of Life 

To understand worry and anxiety we must look to God. Not in what we can do – but what He has already done! In who God is and our relationship with Him. These are the truths that you know, but need to remember. So how do you do this on a practical level? We go to battle. Ephesians 6 says we do not battle with things of flesh and blood but of spirit, the invisible things. Anxiety and fear might be invisible, but they are very much real. When we see anxiety as the enemy (it IS the enemy’s weapon), we can arm ourselves with these four things. 

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Battle Anxiety With….

1. God’s Word – There are lots of amazing verses that talk about fear. I even have a reading plan found below in the comments. God’s word is the power we have to fight anxiety. Hang up scripture in your house. Write it on cards and keep them in your purse and in your car. Let God’s word soak your heart and mind. 

2. Prayer – Prayer has power. Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us of the power we can have through prayer. If you are interested, I’ve created a free prayer challenge to bring peace. Join me through the link below. Isaiah 26:3 says those who “fix” their minds on God will have peace. We can do this through the power of prayer! Pray when you get up and go to bed. Pray when you are driving. Anytime you feel the anxious thoughts coming, pray! 

3. Community – God said it was not good that man was alone. Christian, we were made for community. Don’t isolate yourself with your fears. That is the power of the enemy over us! Speak to a trusted friend, specifically a friend who is a Christian. Talk to them about your fears and ask them to pray for you. Go to church! Meet with other Christians. We can fight the enemy better together. 

4. Grace – As you grow in the Word and prayer, give yourself grace. Will you be able to dispel every single anxious thought? No way! Will you make progress? Of course. If you find yourself worrying throughout the day, don’t beat yourself up. Just step back into God’s truth and His promises and offer your heart grace. For it is by grace we are saved but it is also by grace we live this Christian life. 

Let me leave you with some of my favorite verses: 

Phil. 4:6-7 – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I pray you can keep your mind on Christ today! 

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