What is God’s Goodness?

What is God’s Goodness? 

If we search the word “good” in a secular dictionary, we find that it means, “of high quality; excellent.” However, when I looked up the word in a Bible dictionary I found forty different ways this word can be used in the Bible. How do we define God’s goodness? One of the dictionaries I found said this about God’s goodness: 

“A perfection of his character which he exercises towards his creatures according to their various circumstances and relations (Psalms 145:8, 9; 103:8; 1 John 4:8). Viewed generally, it is benevolence; as exercised with respect to the miseries of his creatures it is mercy, pity, compassion, and in the case of impenitent sinners, long-suffering patience; as exercised in communicating favour on the unworthy it is grace.”

In other words, God’s goodness is connected to His grace and mercy. Giving us what we don’t deserve and not giving us what we do deserve both reveal His goodness to us. You see, defining goodness is hard because it is something we can’t really see. We just know goodness when we see it. So how do we see God’s goodness? 

Can I propose an idea to you? Can you believe that no matter what you are suffering – no matter what the deepest pain you are holding right now – God is already good? There is a river of God’s goodness running through the biggest valley you will ever walk through. That river is God’s goodness. We can believe it. We can declare it! 

  • God is already good is a declaration we make when we don’t understand and life is filled with unjust pain. 
  • God is already good is a promise we cling to when we doubt God’s ability to make the situations work out for our good. 
  • God is already good is the truth that anchors our very souls when life is confusing. 
  • God is already good is the song we sing when all around us the prison walls of loneliness close in around us. 
  • God is already good is the peace we seek in times of fear.
  • God is already good is the joy in the midst of sorrow. 

When we place our faith into God’s goodness, it can….

….satisfy us when we are in need. 

….show us the way to repentance. 

….supply our physical needs. 

….save us from our sin. 

….strengthen us when we are weary. 

I understand His goodness is hard to see. Believe me, I’ve been there. In the dark night I found myself afraid I might not survive until morning because of the depression. I remember that feeling and in the moment I couldn’t see the goodness of God. 

Today you might be sitting in the darkest corner of this season. Friend, I invite you to join me this summer. It isn’t too late. You can start today. We are reading through the Book of Psalms in my newest journal. “The Summer of Psalms.” Find out more information here. You might not see a change in circumstances, but you will see a shift in your perspective. And you will discover how God is already good. 

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