How to Set Spiritual Goals 

How to Set Spiritual Goals 

How to Set Spiritual Goals. If you have followed me for very long you know I love lists. Lists are my love language. Everyday I make a list.  I am a list-making queen and I love that about myself. It took me years to admit this, but I am a pretty organized person. Previously, I thought it was because I had to be (hello, five kids), but I realized that I’m just good at it. But, you see, there are things about myself I don’t like and I’m not good at. Those are the things I can’t just “make a list” and my habits will suddenly change. Goals help, but goals in and of themselves don’t produce change either. 

The only thing that produces change is action. Deliberate, planned, and purposeful steps will help me change. It took me years to figure this out – and even though I know this – I still struggle with figuring out what steps I need to take to get the end results. 

Like, for example, I want to….

  • Stop yelling so much at my kids.
  • Eat healthier. 
  • Exercise more. 
  • Read my Bible at night. 
  • Stop scrolling before bed. 

Those habits won’t just suddenly appear in my life! I have to be intentional, but sometimes we can’t figure it out on our own. That’s why I love this resource so much. And that’s why I share it every single year! This year I want to highlight some of the features of this amazing planner/organizer/goal setting device. 

Grace Goals

My sweet, long-time friend Arabah Joy, has a fantastic resource for setting godly growth goals and achieving true change through the power of God. 

Grace Goals 2022 is THE goal-setting system that will walk you through a proven, BIBLICAL process for setting and achieving goals. Thousands of men and women have used this resource over the past seven years to do things like: 

  • make over their health
  • write a book
  • train for a marathon
  • stop yelling at their kids
  • establish a consistent quiet time habit
  • and so much more!

A Life-transforming Resource

Grace Goals 2022 is truly a life-transforming resource and it’s now on SALE! When you grab Grace Goals 2022, you’ll get an exclusive BOGO offer PLUS bonuses.  Why not be ready to start the new year assured of God’s purposes for you and equipped to carry them out?

Don’t miss out on Grace Goals 2022 and the exclusive limited-time bonuses going on right now! (Only good until December 10,2021) and learn how to set spiritual goals. (And achieve them!!) 


Friend, there is so much opportunity before us right now. The new year is right around the corner and there’s never been a better time to create an exceptional life full of impact, purpose, and faith.

The truth is that the power to create this exceptional life comes from Christ within you. How do you set spiritual goals? Grace!! 

Recognizing God’s daily work of grace in your life is unparalleled because Grace is so much more than pardon, my friend. It is the POWER of God.  

As my friend, Arabah Joy, says, “God promises that His grace is always present, sufficient, abundant, and relevant to your situation. No matter what is standing in front of you.” I love that! So THAT is why I want to share Grace Goals 2022 with you. 

This unique Biblical Goal Setting System is going to help you:

  • Assess where you’re feeling stuck, and guide you towards letting go of 2021
  • Discover God’s purposes for your life while clarifying your own personal vision statement.
  • Plan how to create your best year yet and look for God’s daily graces in your life.
  • Implement your plan by activating God’s strength in your life. 

Learn more about getting your Grace Goals BOGO free deal here.*

*Affiliate links are used in this post. Read my statement here for more information. 

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