Don’t Pray Alone

Don’t Pray Alone

My husband and I are so blessed to be a part of a team here in Honduras. We moved to this Central American country in January of 2020. When we moved here there were already three other families living and serving here in our city. Being a part of a team can be a lot of work. Communication is key. That is why the four wives and a single lady all have a group text going to keep in contact with one another. Last month one of my friends in this group sent this picture:

Isn’t that the truth? Have you ever had a friend who you knew prayed for you? I am blessed to have several friends like that – and I hope I can be counted on to pray for others as well. One of the most comforting things is to have a friend pray for you. That’s why one of my favorite tips for prayer is to find a partner! Find someone who will pray for you and with you. Joining arms in prayer can be powerful. How do you do this?  Practically speaking, you can form your own prayer group. 

Don’t Pray Alone

Find a few girlfriends who will be faithful to pray for you. They don’t have to be super Christinas, just friends who want to impact your life and the lives of others through the power of prayer. The best thing is – you don’t have to live near each other. I have several prayer partners back in the U.S., which is 1500 miles away. You pick a few friends who are just as passionate about prayer as you and gather them together in a group text or group message. 

Keep the group completely about prayer. Just share prayer requests and ask them to do the same. You could make rules, but the biggest thing is to guard against gossip. Women are very bad (me included) to share gossip in disguise of prayer requests. One of the things I try to do when I ask for prayer is I stick to my immediate family and myself. Sometimes I will share about close friends. I also try very hard not to share details. Recently I knew someone who was going through something really heartbreaking and embarrassing. Also, it wasn’t public knowledge. Instead of naming the specific need, I just simply said, “Please pray for ____ because they are really struggling right now.” God knows the need. If you can, use first names only when speaking about other people. 

If you are struggling with prayer, consider getting someone to do it with you. You can watch this video to discover eight more tips on how to cultivate a prayer life! 

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