Prayer and Peace

Prayer and Peace 

Have you ever said, “I just want some peace and quiet?” If you are a mom, then you most definitely have said those words. In fact you probably say them daily if you are anything like me. Last month I was writing a Bible study on the word peace and how Jesus brought us peace. We all want a little peace right? Peace in the Bible is not the absence of pain or anxiety, but the presence of the Prince of Peace. Jesus doesn’t always take away those things that bring us anxiety, but He does allow us to experience peace in our hearts. 

One of the ways he does this is through the power of prayer. My life verse since I was a teenager (over twenty years ago) is Philippians 4:6. But don’t stop there! Keep reading verse seven. 

Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” 

Philippians 4:6 says we can take all of our anxieties to God. How? Through prayer! Through prayer we can pray about our circumstances, we can pray about others and their circumstances, and we can give thanks in all circumstances. When we pray, we tell God everything in our hearts. Notice what happens next. 

Philippians 4:7 says the peace of God will “guard” our hearts. God’s peace will stand firm and act like a barrier between us and the anxiety. I can’t say that just praying will cure all of your anxieties, but it can act like a sentry, a soldier, keep us from having to give in to those anxieties. 

What does this peace look like? According to these verses it says it will go beyond what we can imagine. I have experienced this type of peace. During my second pregnancy more than anything I wanted to deliver via VBAC. If you don’t know what that is, check this article out. I knew it was a long shot, but I wanted to try. After over twenty four hours of labor, it was made clear I would not get a VBAC. As I was being prepped for surgery, a supernatural peace flooded my heart. Not because I was happy about the c-section, but because God had filled my heart with peace. I knew it was “surpassing all understanding” because I was not wanting a C-section. The natural response would have been anxiety and disappointment. Instead, I had peace. 

I can’t promise that every time you pray God will meet you with a flood of peace, but I have experienced a life filled with anxiety that fights it with prayer. Every time I feel my heart growing anxious, I can pray and God begins to work in my heart in a way where I can keep those thoughts away. 

Many of us know the value of prayer but developing a meaningful prayer life feels harder than training for Mt. Everest. There is always a little one who needs you, laundry to wash (hey, I know you sometimes skip the folding altogether), and appointments to take the kids to.

Between school drop-offs, diaper changes, paying bills, and getting food on the table, you long for a meaningful prayer life but how? Life happens and you just never get around to figuring out how to deepen your relationship with God.

This course will answer questions such as,

  • “How do I make prayer a priority when my life is on the spin cycle?”
  • “How can I know God is listening?”
  • “Help! What do I do when I can’t focus long enough to pray?”
  • “Where do I even start?”
  • “What is the best way to stay consistent?”

Read more about this course here.

Right now the course is on sale for just $27 – this will be going up September 1 (to $57). So hop on in and join me here!

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