The Best Tip for Reading Your Bible

The Best Tip for Reading Your Bible

Prayer! That might sound crazy, but what if prayer was the KEY to reading your Bible more? Here are three reasons prayer helps in our Bible reading. 

1. It connects us. We can feel more connected to God when we pray. Prayer is a way for us to communicate to God. We can speak to Him as we are reading His word. We can pray for Him to help us understand before we read the text. Also, we can pray to Him during our Bible reading as we respond to His Words. And then ending our Bible time with prayer is a great way to help us meditate on these words. 

2. We can pray for consistency. One of my most frequent prayer requests is to be consistent in my Bible reading and prayer time. I know that my natural self would be to forget or put off my time with God, but prayer allows me to be present with God in the moment and ask for His help to stay consistent. He wants this for me – so why not pray that He helps us remember and be diligent to do it? He will help equip us with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

3. Prayer allows us to respond to the Bible. Prayer is my way of telling God what is on my mind and helps me better respond to His word. I tell God my questions, I pour out my frustrations and I talk to God about how His word has comforted me. Prayer is a way for me to put on paper (when I write out my prayers) what I learned and what God is teaching me through my Bible reading. 

If you are struggling with Bible reading – then why not pray about it? You can watch the video here to discover nine more tips for reading your Bible!

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