Three Things God Already Knows

Three Things God Already Knows
In 2020 we all watched the news unfold about a new virus. Plans were canceled. Countries were closed. Flights landed and never took off again. People lost so much. Their jobs, their loved ones, and security. In so much uncertainty I remember wondering how this would change my own life. Turns out it shifted everything on the outside and even shifted something inside of me as well.
Only a few years prior to this our family walked through a season of uncertainty. There was job loss. There was an unexpected medical diagnosis and suddenly I found myself on the path of parenting a child with special needs. This was not going to go away and there would be no fixing this. I didn’t sign up for this.
What felt like the death of a dream was actually a birth into a life of faith. In those weeks and months following our daughter’s adoption I remember feeling so full of doubts. I was scared, unprepared, and nothing was what it used to be. The new normal was staring at me in my face and I struggled to know what to do.

God is Faithful
In those moments I realized it wasn’t about my faith at all. It wasn’t about my courage, trust, or strength. To love this child, to be a parent to this child, would not be found in me. In desperation I turned to God. There in the loving arms of the Heavenly Father – who had adopted me into His family – I found He was faithful.
Looking in the mirror I knew I wouldn’t be enough. It was ok. It wasn’t my job to rescue this girl from her past. I would not be reaching down and cleaning up her mess. I would be reaching up and taking the hand of a Father who already knew.

In those years since adopting our daughter I realized that there are things I will never know. I won’t know what the future holds. I won’t know if she will live with us forever or be independent. And I won’t know where our family will land or what will happen to my children. There are things I don’t know.
God already knows. As we run to the Heavenly Father we take comfort in His faithfulness and that His plans are fixed in heaven. God has our lives planned out. We are not big enough or strong enough to change one thing God has planned for us. The sinful choices of others can’t thwart His plans either. When our world shifts we can hold on to this hope that God is in control and God loves us with a steadfast love – not based on us.

What does God know?
He knows these three things:
- God knows my heartache. So much scripture reminds us that God sees our hearts and hears our cries of sorrow. Sorrow is not hidden from God. What a comfort as we walk this hard road.
- God knows my weakness. I often feel bad that I can’t pull myself together for God. The Bible says God knows our frame and understands our weakness. Not only that, He invites us to come “all you who are weary and heavy laden…” (Matthew 11:28) Our weakness doesn’t turn God away but turns Him towards us.
- God knows my future. Not only does God know my future, He is actively working the perfect plan for my life. No amount of sin, disappointment, death, or destruction can thwart God’s plans for my life.
There will be questions and doubts, but those questions and doubts can bring us closer to a God who already knows. Our God knows what the future holds and He holds that future in His hands. Everything you dream and everything you are afraid of – God already knows. Because He knows, we can trust Him today, even when our questions go unanswered. Let’s run to God with our grief and fear and learn how to have peace in knowing He already knows.

You can order Sarah’s book, I Didn’t Sign Up for This and discover how to rest in God’s goodness when our stories shift. God sees you and you can find hope in the pages of this brand new book!