The Women of Christmas

The Women of Christmas

Many of us know the Christmas story. We can see in our heads the pictures we’ve seen, the plays we’ve sat through, and the movies that have depicted the story. Mary, Joseph, and the baby in the manger. We can see the shepherds, the wise men, and King Herod. All of these characters play a role in the narrative of God coming down to live with us. 

I fear that sometimes we gloss over the story because it is so familiar. We see the characters and think of them as people who played a role. But they were deeper, fuller, and more alive than we ever could imagine. These people had fears, doubts, joy, and love. They lived lives. 

Real People

We forget that they were real people, just like you and me. They had hopes and dreams and disappointments. We can easily stare at our porcelain nativities and forget they were flesh and blood and sweat and tears. Humans. God has always used human people in His story of redemption. How beautiful to think that the God of Heaven, (who doesn’t need us at all) would choose to use people for the unfailing of His plan to redeem all of mankind. 

As we ponder the stories of Christmas, let us look to scripture to remind us of the truth of these people. They were not plastic figures on a mantle, they walked this earth and God moved among them, as He does us. God used their stories to help show us aspects of Jesus. We can read their stories in the Old and New Testament  and see how it all reveals the truth about Jesus! These truths can comfort us even today, thousands of years later. 

Click here to read about six women of Christmas. You might know Elizabeth and Mary. Maybe you’ve even heard of Anna. But did you know there were other women who helped point us to Christ? People like Ruth, Rahab, and Tamer. Their stories were messy and complicated, but even in those stories we see Christ. 

Six Women of Christmas

As you read their stories in the Bible remember they are not heroes, but Jesus is. And they remind us that God can use the messy disappointments in our life to bring us closer to Jesus. We can run to the Savior who was born in a manger to a teenage girl with complicated relationships.

We can come to Jesus this Christmas and be real. He knows what struggles we face and He enters into them. Just like Jesus was Emmanual for Mary, He is that for us. 

Do you feel a little rough this holiday season?

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In this unique advent book, you will find daily scripture, a short devotional, a prayer, and reflection questions.

Right now you can get it on sale for just $5! 

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