7 Ways to Stay Consistent in Bible Reading Throughout the Year

7 Ways to Stay Consistent in Bible Reading Throughout the Year
Last week we listed some reasons we might want to give up on our Bible reading. Today we are going to look at seven ways we can stay consistent in Bible reading throughout the year.

7 Ways to Stay Consistent
- Find a partner. Having the accountability but also the encouragement is vital to remaining consistent. You can read about how to find an accountability partner here.
- Set some goals. Where would you like to read the Bible? How often can you read? You can plan out some of these goals in this free resource on planning the perfect quiet time.
- Make the time. Even if time is the reason you aren’t consistent, you must first make sure that the Bible is a priority in your life. You will make time for the important things in your life. Make the time by making the Bible important.
- Change it up. Maybe you are bored or your season has changed. Use this opportunity to change how you read the Bible. Maybe you can read in a different place in the Bible. Maybe you need to change how often or how long you reach each day.
- Start a Bible study. Several years ago I was stuck in my Bible reading and study. So I started my own Bible study. You can get this free guide on how to start your own study here.
- Prayer. Ask God to help you be consistent. This sound simple, but this is my daily prayer. That God will help me remember to read my Bible but also be consistent in my reading. Fight against the spiritual attacks with prayer.
- Feelings don’t matter. Yes, we want to feel and should desire a connection to God through Bible Reading. But if you wait on your feelings you might be waiting for a long time.

Get Started
Whatever you choose to do today – just remember that you can start right now! Don’t let that list of excuses be a part of your life even one more day. Pick up your Bible, call a friend, say a prayer – and then go read your Bible!
Consistency happens one day at a time.

If consistency is a desire you have, check out my course: Let’s Read the Bible. You will find a library of courses and videos and resources to help you get back on track with God!