Lilies & Sparrows 

Lilies & Sparrows 

“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? “ Matthew 6:26

The “what ifs” feel heavy in my head.

What if….the biopsy is positive. What if…we don’t have enough to pay off the debt. What if….I never find a place to belong. What if….my child never speaks. What if….grief is too much.

No longer are we confident in the future. The past hurts. Friendships sometimes die and then the days of loneliness often linger longer than we ever imagined. Then grief feels like a black hole. It starts growing like a seed of worry. Anxious thoughts spread throughout our entire heart and into our soul. How could tomorrow bring anything but sorrow when yesterday was filled with tears?

Do Not Be Anxious

In Luke 12:2-342 Jesus tells His followers to not be anxious. This passage is often used to help combat worry. Yes, we can trust that God will provide when we lack. But there is a deeper truth here, a much stronger and more life giving truth. Jesus gives us a reason why God’s provision provides peace for our hearts. Let’s take a look at the two examples Jesus gives to demonstrate this truth.

The first example is the phrase, “the grass” in Luke 12:28 it says, “so God clothed the grass…” What did God “clothe” the grass with? Lilies. Lilies are huge, flashy flowers that bring such beauty! Jesus is saying that common grass, which withers and dries up in a day, is worthy enough to get to wear lilies. God gives delight and pleasure and beauty to something so common.

The next example is the ravens. These birds were considered annoying and common. But Jesus said that even they were provided for by God. It is God who feeds the birds. Let’s also look at Matthew 6 where Jesus mentions the “birds of the air.” Instead of saying God just provides for them, it says that God cares for them. The birds mentioned here were numerous during the time of Jesus. They nested everywhere and were sold for a part of a day’s wage.

The birds and the grass are things we barely even acknowledge exist. These things we would overlook, take for granted, and ignore, are things that God notices and He places a value on them. The key phrase is here: “Of how much more value are you…” (Luke 12:24) The birds and grass were of value, but the emphasis is on you and me. We are of even more value than they.

Don’t Worry

Jesus says, yes, don’t worry. But why? Because God will provide for you what you need. Yes, but also, don’t worry because God loves you more than all of creation. Don’t miss the deeper reason we can trust and rest in God. Our value isn’t determined by what we bring to the table or what we do.

Our value and worth is completely and utterly wrapped up in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. 

Christian, if the “what ifs” plague your heart, let this truth sink deep inside your soul: You are worth more than all of creation. You are worth so much that Jesus died for you. Your worth keeps you safe and even if suffering is just around the corner, you will have everything you need because of this simple truth: God loves you.

Dear heavenly Father, let me rest in this truth today that yes you will provide for me, Not out of obligation, but out of love. Out of care and because of your steadfast mercy for me. I am worthy to be loved and oh how I’m loved by you! Amen. 

Psalm 138

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  1. Thank you for this devotional, the meditation is needed during the concerns and worries that I have at this time. I just bought The Glorious Ordinary and will be purchasing Lessons In The Desert. God Bless.

  2. Thanks you for thisl, the meditation is needed during the concerns and worries that I have at this time. I just bought The Glorious Ordinary and will be purchasing Lessons In The Desert. God Bless.

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