Why I’ll Never Do Bible Study Alone

Why I’ll Never Do Bible Study Alone
“I’m canceling…” I cried in my hands while my husband looked at me from across the table. I was sobbing because I was still struggling with depression, and I felt completely overwhelmed.
“You can’t cancel,” he gently replied. “This is why you need to have it.”
“I feel like such a fake!” I sobbed even more. In a few short hours my house was supposed to be filled with a half dozen ladies who were expecting to learn more about the Bible. I had started an in-home Bible study a few years prior to this, and different people would attend over the years, but by this time I had a good group of four women who consistently showed up every other Thursday to study the Bible with me.
They had done their homework. I had the teaching video ready from this session’s teacher. I hadn’t completed all of my workbook pages, but I knew what the lesson would be on. Still, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to cancel because these women looked forward to this every time. I hated disappointed people.

But my sadness felt like weight around my chest. Could I smile and lead prayer requests and talk about the Bible study lesson if my heart was filled with darkness? That night I didn’t cancel. Mostly because I always want to appear that I have it together, but also because I fear people’s disappointment even more than how I feel.
As the women walked in, I smiled but dreaded the following hour. Could I keep it together? I wondered to myself. As we settled in, we opened our books to take prayer requests. They all looked at me and for a moment no one spoke.

I burst into tears. Then I shared with these trusted four women the sadness that had invaded my heart that week. I cried and wiped tears as they spoke soothing, comforting words. They prayed for me and told me I wasn’t alone. We talked about our lesson, watched the teaching video, and as the truth of God’s Word was being taught I felt a change.
Five Reasons I’ll Never Do Bible Study Alone
By the time I said goodbye, my heart was lighter. It was exactly what I needed, just as my husband had reminded me. Here are five reasons I’ll never do Bible study alone:
- Feelings are better when they are shared.
- Grief is more tolerable when it is talked about.
- Depression lifts for a moment when you are not alone.
- Anxiety slows down our heart rates as we look outward.
- Friendship allows us to think of others, and know we can be there for them too.
Could I have read my Bible alone that night? Of course. But I probably wouldn’t have. I would have missed the amazing truth from God’s Word – exactly what my heart needed! Having those women in my home meant that I would definitely open the Bible.
Could I have just cried alone in silence? Yes. But there is something sacred about sharing our sorrow. I would have continued to feel alone and I probably wouldn’t have been able to look up.

Added Value
Doing Bible study on our own can be very profitable, but doing Bible study together is so incredible. There is so much more value in having friends to do it with. Today I don’t have any regular meeting time that I do Bible study with other women. I miss it. I am ready to start another study or join back to the one I started almost 10 years ago now.
Starting your own Bible study can seem very intimating! But it doesn’t have to be. Do you know 1-2 women who would like to study the Bible with you? If so, you can start.
If this sounds like something you would like to do, download this free guide to get started! Maybe you are a little intimidated and your inadequacies are right in front of your face. Download your FREE workbook:
“How to Start Your Own In-Home Bible Study”!

This guide will help walk you step-by-step to start your own in-home Bible. You will discover:
- The Five Steps to Leading a Good Bible Study
- The Myths about Leading a Bible Study
- How to Host the Perfect Place (without cleaning your whole house)
I help you answer the questions you might have like, “Who do I invite?” and “What Bible study do I use?”
With over 15 years of expense, I’ve developed this amazing 21-page workbook on starting your own in-home Bible study. If you know 3 people who would like to study the Bible with you, you can start one today! Download for free!
Believe me, I struggled for many years feeling like I wasn’t enough to lead a Bible study. God reminded me over and over again: No, I’m not, but He is. Women will show up for your Bible study because of the Bible, not you. Get encouragement, practical help, and bet the first know about my workbook by signing up below.