What I Learned This Summer 2016

When life hands you a season of rest, take it. This summer I did. After wrapping up school, I decided to take a step back from the things I was frantically doing each day. Blogwork. Housework. Schoolwork. Bible work. Although all of those things are good things. And all of those things are profitable. But sometimes work needs to be laid aside for a season of rest. Sometimes a season of talking needs to be replaced with a season of listening….

When the Hurting Become the Healers

My husband and I were talking the other day about our church. You see, a couple of years ago our church found itself without a pastor. Right about the same time a pastor found himself without a church. To make a long story short, this godly man agreed to be our interim pastor until we could find a permanent one. What we didn’t know, and what he didn’t know, was what God was going to do. As we met together every Sunday and Wednesday, he…

Who is the God of Light and Darkness?

Piece by piece we put the puzzle together. It grows bigger and bigger, revealing the picture from the box. As we sort through the pieces, we might have a strategy, we might get lucky and find a few pieces that fit together, but when we look at the pieces still sitting off to the side we see a tangled mess. Most of life resembles the unassembled puzzle. We walk through our days, holding the broken pieces close to our chest….

Let’s Begin with A – Back to School Resource

Today was our first day of school! For the first time in five years of home schooling I’m actually excited for school to start. I was trying to figure out why? HAHA! Maybe it’s the new cabinets and moving all of my supplies upstairs to our dining room. Maybe I’m excited after listening to Sarah MacKenzie’s Read Aloud Revival Podcast. Maybe because we are joining a co-op for the first time this year. I KNOW I am excited for my 4-year-old after reading Elizabeth’s…