An Invitation to Rest

Isaiah 55 “Come, everyone who thirsts,     come to the waters;” 1. Come. All. All who thirsts. Do you have it all figured it out? Are you comfortable with your life? Completely content? No anxiety? His invitation isn’t for you. Our God calls to those in the pit. To those without light. To those who are struggling. It is a simple invitation: Come. No pre-qualifications. No conditions. Only that you are in need. Only thirst. Come with empty arms. “Listen diligently…

Breathe In Prayer While We Wait

5 Reasons to Pray During Our Season of Waiting 1. A Chance for Intimacy God invites us to pray and talk with Him! What a privilege?! The God of Heavenly hosts is calling us to come to Him with our requests, and our hearts. His very throne room is available anytime. Jer. 29:11-14 Rev. 3:14-22 2. Start with God’s Word When you don’t know where to start, begin by reading the Psalms and praying those words to God. It may sound silly,…

Be Still and Know – Tuesday Talk

Be still. Stop striving. Once we are quiet and our souls find a little bit of rest…..then what? God call us to rest and abide in Him. Abide and rest. Make your home with Christ rest in your heart. It starts with more than just a heart position. There is purpose in our being still. Our purpose is to KNOW. Be Still and Know…..Be Still and Abide Know He is God. Psalm 46:7, “Be still and know that I am God….The…

Breathe in Freedom While We Wait

While we waited for a referral it was hard. During the adoption process it seemed as if each step was harder and harder. Once we had her picture the game changed completely. She was real. Suddenly I could look at her. Gaze into her eyes and think about her as a real person…..and I did. Everyday. All day. For weeks. And months. Waiting to travel was the most stressful part of our adoption process. I felt trapped. Hidden inside an…