Unpredictable Life, Predictable God

Unpredictable Life, Predictable God  A few months ago we were so excited to finally get a grill, but as we huddled around roasting our marshmallows and making s’mores, I remembered what our fire pit looked like back in the states.⁠ The fire pit represented all I missed about what we left behind in W.V.  It was hard to enjoy a new memory because I was stuck in the old memories. ⁠The sweet moment was tainted because life was no longer…

Do You Believe This Is True?

Do You Believe This Is True?  All for the glory of God and my good!  Do you believe this? Sometimes I wonder if it is true. When my motherhood journey had just begun and I had two little boys close in age and was very weary.  I wondered if this was for God’s Glory? I was so tired, worn, and stretched. Would it matter whether I make French toast for breakfast or let them eat cold cereal? Who really cares…

What Happens When God Disrupts Our Plans?

What Happens When God Disrupts Our Plans?  You would assume being a missionary’s wife I would know all about a trusting in unknown times. But God still has (LOTS OF) lessons for me to learn.  Three months after moving to Honduras our plans were disrupted. COVID shifted our world and suddenly we found ourselves without a “job.” We had planned to fly surgeons from the U.S. to help minister to the people in our city. Travel stopped and suddenly we…

Holding Fast to What is Good

Holding Fast to What is Good I read these words in I Thessalonians 5:21 the other day: “Hold fast to what is good…” It got me thinking about what I’m holding onto these days. What am I looking forward to? What am I anchoring myself in? I often turn to other things – people, food, circumstances – to help me feel safe. I don’t need to tell you those things are not going to ever make me feel safe.  The…