25 Days of God Listening – Reading Plan

25 Days of God Listening –  A Reading Plan  Loneliness is nothing new, but I sense it is becoming more and more prevalent in our society these days. Even with a house full of kids, a husband, and a cat, I feel empty.  I feel this creeping sense of loneliness poke around the corner. It is pulling a seat up to the table of my heart. The fear of the future is real. The day-to-day struggle of isolation is real…

Intimacy Over Isolation

Intimacy Over Isolation  These are the days of…..isolation.  Living in Honduras has already slowed my life in a myriad of ways. I notice I don’t rush to get up. I’m not worried if we are late. My to-do list doesn’t get all done, but my heart is ok. Because tomorrow will come soon enough. There has been more reading, sewing, and art. Music and writing has flooded our home. We all sit and laugh more.  I’ve already felt a little…

Five Tips for Reading Your Bible if You Don’t Enjoy Reading

Five Tips for Reading Your Bible if You Don’t Enjoy Reading One of my sons doesn’t particularly like to read. We finally found some book series that he likes, so he was excited to begin reading “for fun.” Until he had read all of the books in the series. Then he was done reading for fun. As he struggles to read, I was struck with the thought: “How can I encourage him, a non-reader, to enjoy reading the Bible?” What…

When Life is Crazy, There is Always Hope

When Life is Crazy, There is Always Hope  When life is crazy…there is always hope.  The world is a little upside down, isn’t it? The virus, social distancing, statistics, quarantine, restricted travel, and closed borders. So many voices crowding for a spot in our heads, and eventually it makes its way to our hearts.  These are the days of slow mornings, empty calendars, and fear. Desperate for news, we run to our phones, devices, computers, and miss it. There is…