When We Long for Springtime

Snow is in our forecast this coming weekend. Driving through the dark, city streets on our bi-monthly date night I pondered the cold winter months. We are moving to Honduras soon. In fact, while I’m typing this we’ve been back in the States for three days after a week-long trip. I miss the warm weather – even if it did rain. The warm weather does a heart good, doesn’t it? Living in an area where we get all four seasons…

Discipline: A Glad Surrender

One of the best books I’ve read this year so far has been Elisabeth Elliot’s book: Discipline: The Glad Surrender. When I read the title I immediately thought about my Grace Goal for this year: discipline. You see, God has been laying on my heart the idea of discipline for a few years; but this year I’ve decided I need to listen to His voice. As I read this book, I realized I didn’t just need help with discipline for…

Scripture Writing Challenge: True Love

Each week on Wednesdays for the month of February I want to share with you a FREE printable writing challenge! Feel free to print them off and begin the challenge – or keep them to use for later. If you are stuck in your Bible reading and I just don’t know where to start these are GREAT places to start! I hope they encourage you to open God’s Word and write it out. There isn’t anything magical about writing God’s…

You Matter (And Other Cliches I Hate)

You matter.  I hate that cliche. It is everywhere on social media and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Of course I want people to know they matter, but it is so vague. How do we encourage unbelievers they need Jesus if we don’t point out their sin; but then how do we as Christians find our worth with the reality of sin? The answer is more complicated (or simple). One of the BEST responses to this question…