Discipline: A Glad Surrender

One of the best books I’ve read this year so far has been Elisabeth Elliot’s book: Discipline: The Glad Surrender. When I read the title I immediately thought about my Grace Goal for this year: discipline. You see, God has been laying on my heart the idea of discipline for a few years; but this year I’ve decided I need to listen to His voice. As I read this book, I realized I didn’t just need help with discipline for…

Scripture Writing Challenge: True Love

Each week on Wednesdays for the month of February I want to share with you a FREE printable writing challenge! Feel free to print them off and begin the challenge – or keep them to use for later. If you are stuck in your Bible reading and I just don’t know where to start these are GREAT places to start! I hope they encourage you to open God’s Word and write it out. There isn’t anything magical about writing God’s…

You Matter (And Other Cliches I Hate)

You matter.  I hate that cliche. It is everywhere on social media and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Of course I want people to know they matter, but it is so vague. How do we encourage unbelievers they need Jesus if we don’t point out their sin; but then how do we as Christians find our worth with the reality of sin? The answer is more complicated (or simple). One of the BEST responses to this question…

How to Remember God’s Kindness

When the first of the year rolled around, I had a special word in mind for the year: enjoy. I picked it because I wanted to just enjoy this year with my children. They seem to be growing up so fast. I can’t even handle it! My oldest will be eleven this year. The moments are going by fast, as everyone told me they would. When I thought about this year I wanted to enjoy life in West Virginia for…