Five Ways God’s Goodness Follows Us

Five Ways God’s Goodness Follows Us I don’t see any good in this…..I wept the night I heard about my friend’s suffering. Her family was walking a long and dark path. How would they survive? I prayed in desperate hope that God would meet them in their pain. If “all your works are good…” how could you allow this? I thought aloud to God.  In one of the most famous psalms we find this verse at the end:  Surely goodness…

Three Practical Ways to Stay Close to God’s Word

Three Practical Ways to Stay Close to God’s Word My jewelry is all tangled up. The other day I was looking for a pair of earrings to match an outfit. I had exactly 30 seconds to get it and head to the car. We were already late. My kids scrambled out the door and I huffed in exhaustion because when I looked at the little tray with all of my earrings on it, I couldn’t find even one pair that…

The Hard and the Holy

The Hard and the Holy Today’s Guest Post is written by Jen Weaver. Last year I recorded a series on what’s “Hard and Holy” in the holidays. Turns out, that message was what I needed most. Sometime in 2020, I’d scribbled an outline for a podcast to help busy Christian women have uncommon conversations with God in everyday moments. I’d wanted to start immediately, as us proactive achiever types often do, but God said wait. He didn’t say why. And…