3 Steps to Choose Joy

3 Steps to Choose Joy Today by Keri  As I sat on the couch, my two boys and little girl snuggled next to me. A worn quilt covered us, warming our weary bodies. In the middle of what had been a chaotic day, joy was creeping into my soul and overshadowing all the stresses of the day. It had been a morning of ups and downs, but in that simple moment all was good. Suddenly, the tiring moments of the…

Seven Truths When You Are Drowning in Sadness

A few weeks ago I had a dream. I was walking along a path. On the right side was the mud-filled river. Slowly weaving its path to the sea. The ground beside the water was muddy and wet. As I walked along and I looked to my left. It was filled with broken down shells of houses. The houses were made of concrete and some had doors, others had none. I walked passed almost a hundred houses. The windows were all broken…

3 Steps for Finding Quiet Time When Life is Loud

3 Steps for Finding Quiet Time When Life is Loud Ok, when they hand you that sweet little baby for the first time in the hospital, I think there should be a pamphlet entitled “Things to Know.” Here are a few I would put in it: All of the overwhelming emotions are normal. Don’t worry if he/she doesn’t poop in two or three days. A week is when you should be worried. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Yes, do it. No,…

When You Can’t Be Friends With Her

I realized I couldn’t be friends with her the way I wanted, the way I was friends with others…..and I wondered immediately what was wrong with me. I wanted to develop a relationship and connection, but it didn’t happen. I know connection takes time….but I wanted to rush the process. With similar hobbies, interests, life-goals, and temperaments I figured the friendship would grow faster and more naturally. It didn’t. In fact, I realized I probably would never be friends with…