Created for Communion

Created for Communion Guest Post by Kristin Taylor  We are broken people, but Jesus’ death and resurrection made a way for us to lay aside our sinful nature and approach God and His kingdom, gradually becoming more like His Son. We are better friends when we rely on the example of Jesus and His people shown to us in scripture and allow the Holy Spirit to do transforming work within us. Jesus presents the ideal for which we strive. Our…

When Life Just Doesn’t Turn Out Like We Planned

When Life Just Doesn’t Turn Out Like We Planned The night my kids went back to school I cried. Before you say “that’s normal” you need to know a little bit about the circumstances. My children are ages 15, 13, 11, 10, and 8. This isn’t our first year of “back to school”, but this is the first year I’m sending most of them (our special needs daughter will still be homeschooling with me) to a Christian school! The night…

How a School Shooting Revealed God’s Sovereignty

How a School Shooting Revealed God’s Sovereignty Today’s post, How a School Shooting Revealed God’s Sovereignty, is by my very good (in-real-life friend) Jessica. She has a podcast ( The Stained Glass Podcast) but check it out after you read her amazing story of how God showed up for (and her husband) in an amazing way!  My husband and I have been together since high school, both attending a small engineering college. I pursued the fields of electrical engineering and…

When Our Faith is Tired, Tested, and Torn

When Our Faith is Tired, Tested, and Torn: A Book Review Eight years ago I sat at a table where I didn’t know anyone. It was during a writer’s conference and one of the meals included a special lunch for members of the Compel community. (Check out Compel here.) I remember sitting next to this beautiful woman with bright eyes and blond hair. Her smile stretched across her face. During that time we chatted about writing, books, and then family….