31 Days {Laugh}

{Laugh} Do we laugh enough? We laugh to avoid embarrassment. We sometimes laugh to ease the tension. Do we laugh from a place of joy? A place of happiness? I find my laughter comes easiest when I am living a certain type of way. Calm. Rested. Peaceful. Simple. When my life is categorized by these things, laughter slips into the air more often. I’ve noticed my children laugh more than I do. Their lives are driven by passion and desire,…

31 Days {Fly}

{Fly} I long to fly. Fly and be strong. Courageous. Brave. Free. Instead, I feel stuck. If the Christian life is like a race, I’m definitely the turtle. Slowly, inching my way to the finish line. Knee-deep in darkness and mud. Glimpses of light show me I’m still on the path, but oh to FLY. To be the bird, and rise above all of the hurt. The guilt. The sin of this life. I long to fly. Instead, I’m limping…

31 Days {Patience}

{Patience} Let’s not pray for patience. For we know our God will give us people for which to be patient. Let’s not ask for patience, for these people will come into our lives who will demand we be patience with them. We want the virture, but not the work. There is no virtue without the work. And yes, patience is a virtue. Not a high and lofty virtue never to be gained. We are called to bear the fruit of…

The First 3 Steps for Living in Today

My new motto is “Survive Today”. If adoption has taught me anything, it has taught me the future is always uncertain. No matter how much you plan. Or prepare. Or pray. I have learned to live one day at a time. With four little ones, homeschooling, all of the therapy and appointments I can only live in today. Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Today is enough. Living in…