Are You Feeling Forgotten?

Genesis 40:23 – “Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.” Do you feel forgotten in your waiting? Left out. No baby showers or pregnancy countdowns while I wanted to bring home our China girl. No apps to show how she is growing. No tips or tricks in preparing the nursery. No check lists for recommended baby registering 101. No. Women adopting are often forgotten in the sea of waiting. Do you feel forgotten in your waiting? Looked over….

31 Days {Love}

{Love} It is hard. It is a choice. It is not easy. It is beautiful. It is messy. It covers a lot. It is Who God Is. God is love. He loves us. He demonstrates unconditional love. But want to know what Love is?  Look at Him. Look at who He is: Faithful. Just. Righteous. Beautiful. Forgiving. Merciful. Gracious. Look at what He has done (is doing): He forgives our sin. He rescues the hurting. He brings peace to those…

31 Days {Possible}

{Possible} Its impossible. Oh God, I don’t see how I’m going to do this thing you have called me to do. We never would say “God can’t do” something….but sometimes how we live reflect that very heart attitude. We worry and stress. We doubt and we are afraid. If we really believed that God is going to do what He has promised to do, then a lot of our anxiety, disbelief, and fears would subside. Living in God’s promises. Living…

Four Truths About Motherhood

Lisa Jo Baker is one of my favorite motherhood writers. Her book Surprised by Motherhood is an amazing encouragement to mommas, especially mommas of little ones! She is always saying: Parenting is not hard because you are bad it it. It is hard because it is designed to be. I want to encourage you today: Its ok if mothering and parenting is hard. You are not alone in your feelings of it being hard. Parenting is hard because we live in…