31 Days {Home}

{Home} Breathe in. Home is is place to be yourself. A place you don’t have to dress up or hide behind a mask. Home is a place to relax. To feel safe and wanted. And loved. I slip my shoes off. I take a deep breath as I reach down to hug the littlest one as she wraps her arms around my legs. My boys clamor to tell me their adventures. I reach for my husband’s hand and squeeze a…

31 Days {Embrace}

{Embrace} Embrace. Hold close. Keep near. Savor. What do we embrace with our hearts? We embrace lies. Half truths. Fear. Doubt. Worry. Anxiety. Sadness. Grief. Although having those feelings from time to time are not necessarily bad. It is when we begin to embrace them.  Do we embrace the cashier at the grocery store? Do we embrace the man on the park bench? Do we embrace the stranger next to us on the bus? No. We do not embrace the things…

31 Days {Capture}

{Capture} Stop, let me get a picture! Stop moving. Say cheese! Listen, hold still! Smile! I love you! Ok….. As I try to capture all of the moments I know its like trying to capture water flowing from the stream of life. It slips right through. Snap! Another moment captured…..too many to count. But as I try to freeze time with the camera on my phone, I miss out on what is behind in the picture. Life. I am so…

31 Days {Family}

{Family} Family. Is not flesh and blood. Family isn’t even a piece of paper. Family is belonging. Family is feeling safe. Family is love. I thought that we would be a family as soon as the papers were signed. As soon as our hearts saw her face and held her tiny body. But family takes time. It takes time to form the bonds of family. It takes lots of patience. Walls had been built up. Months alone and scared in…