Pray Big Series

How can God be in both our doubts and faith? Discover more of my story on Lyli Dunbar’s blog this week! One day in the middle of March my life shifted. Have you ever had one of those moments you look back on and think, “Yes, that’s when life become completely different.” It was March 9, 2015. You might think I’m crazy to remember a certain date like that, but my life truly changed after we were handed our daughter…

Redeeming Loneliness

Redeeming Loneliness  Redeeming Loneliness means we can turn our lonely hearts over to God but then also reach out with our hands to find others to connect with.  When you feel like not sharing your hurts with others, choose to text that friend and ask for prayer instead.  When you are in a crowded mall, smile at the person standing in line.  When you find yourself sitting alone on a Friday night, seek out an authentic Christian community.  When isolation…

3 Truths About Loneliness from the Bible 

3 Truths About Loneliness from the Bible  I’m fine. When people ask you how you are, you say FINE. You say it with a smile. The tears behind the Instagram filters should never show and are washed away in the shower each morning. You don’t say you’re lonely. You don’t say that you go home to a cat and spend hours not saying a word to anyone else.   You don’t say your kitchen table is covered with bills, clean clothes,…