Growing Vines Not Apple Trees

Growing Vines Not Apple Trees My husband planted an apple tree but we’ve never eaten the apples. Back when our children were very young my husband and I lived in a beautiful two-story brick house. We loved that house. We lived there for many years. It had a fantastic yard on a quiet street. The house was our home.  One summer my husband found a company that sold apple trees that you could get delivered through the mail in order…

Five Ways to Abide in Christ

Five Ways to Abide in Christ My husband planted an apple tree but we’ve never eaten the apples. Back when our children were very young my husband and I lived in a beautiful two-story brick home. We loved that home. We brought three of our five children home into that house. It has a fantastic yard and a quiet street. The house was our home.  One summer my husband found a company that sold apple trees and you could get…

Three Truths for Mothers of Babies

Three Truths for Mothers of Babies Mothering lately feels like the middle of a marathon. Maybe that’s because I am in the middle of it! My kids are now in the “middle” years. We have one in elementary school, one in middle school, and two in high school.  A few weeks ago, we were visiting an amusement park. As we all walked in, I noticed the stroller line. The one line where all of the parents with little kids were…