How to Listen to God in the Silence {Part 1}

How to Listen to God in the Silence {Part 1} So I was thinking about the question why  the other day during my Bible study time. Our little China guy, who has been home for only 4 months, knows very little English. In fact, the words he does know, he uses incorrectly in sentences. Every answer to every questions is “no” – even if he means yes. “Hold you!” Means “hold me.” And so on. Recently he discovered the question…

When Our Life Feels a Little “Off”

When Our Life Feels a Little Off Today I was noticing our cabinet door below our sink in our half bath by the kitchen was broken. I stood there and just sighed. It was like the door was exactly how I felt. A little off. It was a great summary of how my life felt. Just a little off. Broken just a little, still functional and still ok – but when you get down to look at it – it…

What to Do if the Harvest Seems Hollow

What to Do if the Harvest Seems Hollow I look at the years they have been in my home, gone to church, and still they struggle. I wonder about the seeds I’ve planted. What will they bring? It has been a joy to see them blossom this year. Their sweet personalities have come out. Jack’s generous spirit but lack of organization is highlighted. Titus’ sweet, accepting, and easy-going personality in all of the friends he’s made. The way his teacher…

How to Get It All Done in the Busy Season

Lately, I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I “get it all done.” First of all, I don’t. I don’t do “it all.” But I know what they mean: how do I do everything I do? I’m a homeschooling momma, with two in Christian school this year, a special-need’s daughter and a tiny-two-year old who is literally the definition of a “hot mess.” I work in several areas of my local church. I run this blog, develop and…