How God Is In Our Loneliness

How God Is In Our Loneliness Have you ever woken up knowing that your life is full of things you love, and yet your enthusiasm is lacking? Has your heart ever felt heavy and ‘blah’ even though you’re blessed with loved ones, neighbors, and friends? Loneliness. It can happen when you spend your days surrounded by little people (or big people), only to go to bed, wake up, and repeat. The routines of life can sometimes pull us down. Often,…

How Are You Holding This Season?

How Are You Holding This Season?  How are you holding this season? How am I holding this season? Life around us is blurry and uncertain. But it is not unclear to God. Everything comes from a Sovereign God. So this is from Him. If it is, I can clinch my first and bear it. Or I can release, open my hand, and receive all of the goodness and kindness God has for me. God’s kindness can be found in the…

What About Storms in Our Lives?

What About Storms in Our Lives?  The clouds were so beautiful the other evening. A much needed thunder/rain storm was on its way. We stood outside and even took a short walk around the block. We didn’t care that we might get wet. We were close enough to our house and it was so hot it wouldn’t have mattered if we had gotten soaked. As we walked, I knew. This was a blessing. This was the kindness of God. A…

Three Things to Do Before You Read Your Bible

Three Things to Do Before You Read Your Bible These are the days of….three months later…unrest…too much rest…whispered and shouted conversations…a week-long break from sharing words online. Silence. Music. School work. Sameness. These are the days of ordinary, mundane, work. For us, here, life has been almost exactly the same since March 14. Twelve weeks. Next week marks twelve weeks of staying at home. Plans cancelled. Again and again. Homesickness. Loneliness. Silent work behind the scenes. Feeling like time has…