How the Bible Gives Us Hope

How the Bible Gives Us Hope  I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope.  Psalm 130:5 Gently rocking a newborn to sleep one morning I gazed at my coffee cup. It was filled halfway with cold coffee. In the middle of my desk is my prayer journal. With only a few words written at the top and an incomplete sentence I gazed at the unfinished tasks before me. The “to-do” list from yesterday…

How the Bible Really Does Help Us Make Decisions

How the Bible Really Does Help Us Make Decisions Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. Psalm 119:105   When I was younger I memorized this verse because it was part of a class for church.  Today I’ve kept this verse close to my heart because life gets a little dark sometimes, doesn’t it? I need a lamp. The next step isn’t always clear. What if you have two choices and both are…

How to Meditate on the Bible

How to Meditate on the Bible  In Philippians 4:7-8 we read how we can have peace. Paul says to “think” or meditate on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and excellent. As a child I remember memorizing this list (and the one found in Galatians 5:22-23). It is a nice list, but it is kind of vague, isn’t it? What exactly do I need to be thinking about? A few years ago I read Psalm 19 and it…

Three Steps to Make Your Own Bible Reading Plan

Three Steps to Make Your Own Bible Reading Plan  What are you struggling with right now in your life? Do you need hope, joy, faith, or strength? I’ve talked for years about how the Bible meets every single one of our needs. It is true. Sometimes we might not know where to start reading.  If the Bible really does speak into every need we have, where do we find these verses? How do we find help when the Bible seems…