How to Write Out the Bible

My engagement ring taught me why writing scripture is vital to Bible study. When my husband was shopping for engagement rings he traveled to various jewelers around town looking for the “one.” I had given him one request. I wanted a certain cut called a “radiant cut.” The diamond was square shaped, but if you looked very closely you could see a round center. He had to shop smaller, specialized jewelers to find it. The cut was the only thing…

Why You Need a Jesus-Mentor

Why You Need a Jesus-Mentor  Ana was from Mexico and had three little girls. After attending church with us for awhile my mom asked her if she would teach me Spanish for my high school credit. I was homeschooled and my mom was trying to get all of the required credit for me to graduate. She agreed. So every week we would meet at her small kitchen table for two hours while my mom watched her little girls in the…

How to Make Lasting Spiritual Change

If you were wondering how to make REAL spiritual progress this year, Grace Goals is for you. I promise this is NOT a sale’s pitch – it is really something that has changed my life. My mom was commenting on how much patience I have the other day. IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT that God has been working on my heart this year because of Grace Goals. Last year I really wanted to see a change in my patience. I…

Free Prayer Prompts for the Weary Heart

Free Prayer Prompts for the Weary Heart {This was taken from my devotional from the Thrive Moms App called “Hush.” Download the FREE app and get the rest of devotional for FREE here.} Isaiah the prophet was in the middle of telling the nation of Israel: judgment was coming. No one likes to hear God is unhappy with us. In the midst of God’s judgment, He also offered His people peace. Battles, wars, and heartache will always be a part…