Don’t Be Devoted to a Cause

During a time when our country is up-in arms over this cause or that cause….I though this quote from Oswald Chambers was fitting: Paul (after he encountered Christ on the road to Damascus) was not given a message or a doctrine to proclaim, he was brought into a vivid, personal overmastering relationship to Jesus Christ…Paul was devoted to a Person not to a cause. He was absolutely Jesus Christ’s, he saw nothing else, he lived for nothing else. I have…

Free 5-Minute Devotionals

Are you stuck in your Bible reading? Do you find yourself not knowing where to begin? Is Bible study overwhelming?  I want to offer some FREE 5-minute devotionals for you. The topics range from prayer life to living in the darkness. The Lord places topics on my heart at various times and sometimes I just want to share a few truths with you. Over the last few months I’ve created a packet of free printables to share with you some of my best…

A Joy-Filled Reading Plan

As I shared the other day…. God is working in our lives, and it is reason enough to rejoice when we know God is working in other people’s lives. And if our work seems futile, don’t worry. I’ve felt sometimes “ministries” I’ve endeavored to pursue have flopped and been such a waste of time. Adoption for one. Everyday I feel like I messed it up. I didn’t trust God when we were in China. I struggled for so many months,…

Three Steps to Joy

Joy. Sometimes I fight for her like a warrior. Sometimes I give up and let her go. Joy doesn’t seem to stay, especially during these winter months. So many times I want JOY, but what is the cost? Am I sacrificing the right things? I want joy, so I get up early but then feel tired because I didn’t go to bed early. I try to manipulate my little people – turning on the T.V. or getting games started. But somehow they…