How to Live Life Well

How to Live Life Well Many days I start out my upstairs window in my bedroom and watch the cars pass by. In that moment I am most likely, in the middle of the afternoon, folding clothes or ironing. I watch the cars drive up our street, over the hill, and on to more important things, I’m sure. Living life well is a nice phrase and all, but when I’m a mother of five with responsibilities and house, where do…

Three Reasons Why We Doubt & How to Stop It

Three Reasons Why We Doubt & How to Stop It The video footage looks amazing. The clear blue skies, the green of the trees, and the people’s faces look captivating! I was excited to be sending this promotional video to churches, asking them to considering supporting us as missionaries. Jason arrived back home today from visiting Honduras. He had gone to take some video footage of the country, people, and hospital. We are going to be making our promo video…

How to Commit Our Souls to God’s Care

How to Commit Our Souls to God’s Care My Word for 2018 will be entrust. I love the idea Peter puts forth in I Peter about entrusting. 1 Peter 4:19 in the ESV says: Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good. The word “entrust” is the Greek word, Paratithēmi which means: “entrust” “commit the keeping” “to set before”  The context of I Peter is one of suffering. The…

Praying Through the Year

My mother has this obsession for succulent plants. It started with a trip to the Amish country and she saw all of the tiny plants in cut pots. When she came home from her trip, she set up a succulent garden in the back room of her house. It get the most light during the day. If you were to walk back to the narrow hallway, you will see them on the windowsill. She rarely waters them, but they still…