Three Steps to Cultivate Courage

Three Steps to Cultivate Courage. A few months ago I laid awake until midnight. Every time I tell myself I’m going to bed early, I end up finding reasons to stay up. The dishes. Finishing laundry and all of the rest of the chores I didn’t get done for that day. Netflix. It all keeps me awake. The real reason was my husband was out of town. He was flying back from Honduras (after a short trip) and then driving…

Busy Will Never Give Me Courage

Busy Will Never Give Me Courage How will I find courage? The courage to live today. The hard things. The beautiful things. Courage. Be my courage. So courage is not something we muster up. It is something we hold in our hearts. Something to protect, or to recognize. We are not asking for courage, but asking You to be our courage. – Emily P. Freeman. God, our refuge, be my courage. I give my heart to you. The courage to…

How to Find a Restful Christmas (And Life)

Does Christmas season feel so rushed you can’t catch your breath? Do you feel hurried and stressed from the blessings surrounding you? The dreariness of this time of year doesn’t come close to the emptiness in my soul sometimes. Many people are struggling this time of year. And the cold, lack of snow, and just the grays and browns have me feeling all of the anxiety and none of the anticipation. How do I find a rest-filled Christmas? Simply come….

Praise in Motherhood

I read this post at Femina Girls about criticism and praise a few weeks ago that got me thinking about praise in motherhood.  The quote she shared from Matthew Henry has really stuck with me: “Praise puts the man into the furnace and we find out what kind of man he really is. The praise might make him proud and lazy or it might make him diligent and thankful.”   Proverbs 31:31 says “Give her of the fruit of her…