Why We Need Our Bibles

Why We Need Our Bibles We need our Bibles to show us: • WHO GOD IS • WHAT HE IS DOING • HOW TO SERVE HIM • TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM You can watch my video here.  Get to know God with these Holiday Bundles!  Available NOW! The Advent & Thanksgiving Bundles Together include: (just $25!!!) Over twenty-one pages of prayer prompts, scripture to read, and places to journal. A prayer study sheet 10 Promises of God 21…

Five Truths You Need Everyday

Five Truths You Need Everyday Truth. I need to speak it because my heart is so prone to lies. Not my lies, the enemy’s lies. The heartache, the sorrow, the grief, the hard parts of life all will say these lies to our heart:  You don’t matter. You are alone. You can’t do this. You are forgotten. You will never succeed.  What combats lies? We know this. Truth. Truth overcomes lies every time.  Sometimes it is so hard to remember…

How God’s Word Can Change Us

How God’s Word Can Change Us Don’t think you can read God’s word and not be changed? Many have said it is like a mirror. It shows us what we are really like and then offers us a new way of living. ⁠Not only does God’s Word change our hearts, it can change our actions. How we think, feel, speak, and live our lives can be a reflection of what we read in the Bible. No, it is not a…

A Lesson in Loneliness

A Lesson in Loneliness  Today we are going to discuss loneliness. It is something we’ve been thinking and reading about this month so far. I don’t know about you, but our world is becoming increasingly more and more lonely. One of the things loneliness tries to tell me is that God has forgotten me. In fact, it is always the enemy’s tactic to tell us that God won’t remember us because, well, everyone has forgotten us. It isn’t true. And…