When Hope Doesn’t Bring Joy

Romans 15:13 says: “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” Paul prayed this prayer for the dear Christians in Rome. Paul had never met them but he loved them because they were fellow workers for the cause of the gospel. Paul prayed for all of the believers in Rome to have hope. Not only to have hope, but that the…

What To Do When You Wake Up Depressed

When the tears are shed and you are laying in the dark, what do you say? What do you feel? How do you cope when the darkness persists? The other night I was lying in bed, overwhelmed with life, but really I was overwhelmed with my feelings and I had no idea why. Yes life can be stressful. But honestly I feel like my life has always had reasons to be stressful. I’ve never gone the “easy” route. My husband…

What She Said About Me

What She Said About Me Sarah talked my ear off. That’s what she would say, but it was never a bad thing. It was always a good thing and I loved her for that. The way she made me feel is something I will never forget. I might forget all of the other things she said about me (or even to me) I might even forget about the way she made me pancakes or let me stay up late at…

When You Need God to Fix It

What if you have something God isn’t fixing? A relationship? A disease? Find out what to do when restoration isn’t coming…… {Taken from Day 5 of my Restoration devotional on the Thrive Moms app.} A couple of years ago my two oldest boys asked for a hammer for Christmas. It was the craziest thing, but not surprising. They had seen their daddy work around the house. I could see their little minds imagining all kinds of things they could “hammer.”…