Is Peace Possible? 

Is Peace Possible?  Is peace possible? My hands shook and I couldn’t stop them. My entire body felt like getting up and wiggling. It started with my hands, but then my shoulders tightened. I started moving my leg up and down. My husband reached over and grabbed my hand. I still couldn’t control the tremors. My face was flushed red and my eyes attempted to squeeze the tears back in. They spilled over and ran down my cheeks anyway. I…

7 Ways to Stay Consistent in Bible Reading Throughout the Year

7 Ways to Stay Consistent in Bible Reading Throughout the Year Last week we listed some reasons we might want to give up on our Bible reading. Today we are going to look at seven ways we can stay consistent in Bible reading throughout the year. 7 Ways to Stay Consistent Get Started Whatever you choose to do today – just remember that you can start right now! Don’t let that list of excuses be a part of your life even…

Eight Reasons We Give Up On Bible Reading

Eight Reasons We Give Up On Bible Reading How do we stay consistent in our BIble reading throughout the year? We are all ready to go with the New Year and the new resolutions. But then February and maybe March rolls around and suddenly we feel stuck again.  How do we keep going, when we’ve messed up?  Sometimes it is helpful to examine why we might give up in our Bible reading before the year is out. So, I’ve come…

How to Set Goals if You Are Barely Surviving

How to Set Goals if You Are Barely Surviving It was my second 5K that I had run in the past year, but it turned out to be my worst. All throughout the race I felt tired and weary. It was not a fun race. By the time I reached the finished line I had hurt my ankle and I was limping. Crossing the line felt like a relief and tears welled up in my eyes. It was not a…