How God Gives Us Courage

How God Gives Us Courage You give me courage. The courage to live today. The hard things. The beautiful things. Courage. Be my courage. So courage is not something we muster up. It is something we hold in our hearts. Something to protect, or to recognize… We are not asking for courage, but asking You to be our courage. – Emily P. Freeman.  God, our refuge, be my courage. I give my heart to you. The courage to face today….

3 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Advent

3 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Advent In just a couple of days calendar will be flipped to December. Are you already sick of Christmas and it isn’t even December 1st yet? Me too. Advent means “coming.” Our King has come, and we celebrate His coming with the Christmas season. Don’t get me wrong, I love the atmosphere at the mall, the giggles of children, the food and presents all are good things. Advent can be also similar to…

What To Do When We Compare

What To Do When We Compare That ugly green monster of jealously welled up inside my heart. I didn’t like this jealous person, but she just appears. I am surprised to see her when she shows up in my heart, because I don’t really think of myself as a jealous person. As a newly married woman I would get jealous of nurses, PA’s, and other hospital staff…but mostly out of insecurity – not discontent with my husband. Discontent with myself….

One Free Gift You Can Give This Season

One Free Gift You Can Give This Season …… My children are coming to grips with the idea of getting rid of some things. We won’t be taking all of their toys to Honduras. So my seven year old, packed a small backpack with his “favorites.” And put it in his closet. He doesn’t want to forget anything. Inside? A few small plastic figures, a blanket, and his Hulk stuffed toy. That’s it. No expensive legos or Star Wars toys….