The First Thing to Say When Doubt is Shouting

A friend wrote me a note last week: Pray for me. I’m struggling with anxiety. She recognized the source of the anxiety was lies, but her heart just felt so worried. I prayed for wisdom, as I typed a quick response. I wrote: Speak truth to your heart. I saw the word lies and realized the only help I could offer her was truth.  And the only source of truth, is God’s Word. When we are surrounded by anxiety and stress,…

When The Tools of Restoration Are Painful

He is so hard working. My husband. And he is always working on something. The man of many talents….the master of none. He jokes he is a master of all. He wakes up slow, not really a morning person. But He loves to work once he is awake. His mind is always moving. Always fiddling with something. In our garage you will find various projects. A colleague of my husband mentioned to mom about Jason during medical school: “We would…

From the Father & Tuesday Talk

And the Word become flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14 From the Father. Our Heavenly Father sent His Son in the world. Jesus. It was through Jesus, according to scripture, we could see the Father. As Jesus lived His life, in the flesh, He revealed who the Father was. God was so clearly seen as The Father when…

Dwelt Among Us & Tuesday Talk

And the Word become flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14 Dwelt Among Us.  When I think about Christ dwelling with us, I often think of the time He was here on earth. Around Christmastime, that’s what we tend to think about. We marvel and worship our King who came as a baby. Sometimes I wish I was alive during…