From the Father & Tuesday Talk
And the Word become flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14
From the Father.
Our Heavenly Father sent His Son in the world. Jesus. It was through Jesus, according to scripture, we could see the Father. As Jesus lived His life, in the flesh, He revealed who the Father was. God was so clearly seen as The Father when Jesus came to earth. The Word originated from the Speaker. Through Jesus’ life we see the Father. A God full of…..
PEACE. I give God praise for the sudden rush of peace I found, laying on the hospital bed getting ready for my second c-section. It was a burst of unexplained calm during an emotional and exhausting time.  I give God praise for the gradual growing of peace, that extends over time. At the beginning of this year Jason made a decision I had hard time trusting. I trust the decision because I trust God was leading my husband, but ultimately I wouldn’t have made the decision Jason made. I wouldn’t have because I didn’t have a peace about it. As the weeks passed and we lived with the decision, I began to pray for peace. I prayed God would change my heart. I knew it was the right decision, but I didn’t “feel right” about it. I look at my heart today and I have 100% peace about that decision months ago! God granted me peace. Jesus says, His life was to bring PEACE.
JOY. Our Father brings joy, not just while Jesus lived on earth. In the “real” Lord’s prayer found in John 16-17, we see Jesus pray to the Father for our “joy” at least six times (with my quick count). We can have joy in the Source of joy. Not in circumstances. Not in material possessions. Not in freedom from addiction. Not in the lack of pain. We have joy not in any human on earth. We have this joy in Jesus. Our relationship in Him. This type of joy is sorry turned to gladness. Dust transformed to beauty. Joy lasting a lifetime. Not just for a season. Answers to prayer type of joy. Joy full.

*Inspired by the advent cards by Boekell Adoption Etsy Shop
Check out their shop to help bring home their sweet Ugandian girl. Read their story here.
 What brings you peace? What about joy and love? Is your source the Father?
 Don’t forget to enter to win a product from this week’s featured shop! She Reads Truth
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Thank you for this Sarah. Our family is in need of peach this season. We are tough, but our world did recently get turned up-side-down. Thank you for this reminder to look to the Prince of Peace in the midst of our challenges. A very encouraging, hopeful, and timely post for this dad. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
P.S. Thank Your for providing the opportunity for our family to share parts of our story with the link-up.
I love this Sarah…”The Word originated from the Speaker.” All things come from the Father 🙂
Merry Christmas!!