8 Bible Verses for Depression

8 Bible Verses for Depression I’ll never forget rock bottom. Maybe it wasn’t rock bottom, but it felt that way sitting on the cold bathroom floor with the lights turned out. I was wrapping and my husband was on the other side of the locked door asking to come in. I reached up and unlocked the door, but was still crying.  Why am I like this?  He just helped me up and helped me get into bed. The darkness and…

Bible Study for Beginners – 5 Tips to Help You Get Started

Bible Study for Beginners – 5 Tips to Help You Get Started I’ll never forget the Sunday I went to church and realized my Bible had stayed in the car all week. The shame and guilt I felt pierced my soul. When the preacher encouraged us to read and study during the week I always used to feel so lost. I didn’t even know how to begin to study the Bible.  Maybe you’ve felt similar feelings when it comes to…

Is Love Supposed to be Hard?

Is Love Supposed to be Hard? Love is supposed to feel hard. After over eighteen years of marriage, five children, and myriad of friendships come and gone I can honestly say: love is hard.  There is a lie in the world out there that says love is easy. If you love someone it should be easy. The Bible tells us a different path. Love is not so trivial as to be easy.  Can Love Be Easy?  Are there people that…

Books I Read in January 2024

Books I Read in January 2024 Each month I would love to start sharing what I read with you. I know that sometimes not everyone reads the blog, but this website and blog has been around since 2008! I’ve written about a lot of things and each week I love sharing tips and tools for helping you find peace and contentment – right where you are. Most of my writing is focused on Bible reading, but this year I want…