How To Be Ready for The New Year

How To Be Ready for The New Year Do you dread January? January seems to get us all excited for resolutions, goals, dreams, planning, and new beginnings. I’m all for fresh starts, but sometimes I just don’t know where to start? Do you ever feel this way? I want to change (oh how I want to change), but how? I know I need to eat better and move more, but how I can implement a plan I know will work?…

I Wish Christmas Would Just Be Over

Honest mom moment: I didn’t do ONE day of advent readings with my kids. Oh my goodness. I am so embarrassed. I usually love reading either the Jesse Tree Advent* or Ann Voskamp’s book. This year, we will probably read this book to help us see how Jesus’ birth fits into the whole Bible. But it will be this weekend, probably Christmas Eve. Christmas sometimes gets us all feeling guilty. We make crazy gingerbread houses, ornaments with handprints, and popsicle stick nativities….

A Bible Reading Plan Designed for You

2017 is coming fast! If you are like me, you struggle with reading your Bible. I sometimes just want to read Scritpure (which is different than studying). But where do I start? About ten years ago I had a trusted friend share with me her secret Bible reading plan. I’ve been using it ever since. It is my go-to if I don’t have a ton of time to study God’s word for 15-20 minutes. I love the idea of NOT having…

The Simplest Last Minute Gift Guide (Under $15)

Ok friend, you know how I love BIBLE STUDY! And I’m all about inviting you to walk daily with our Lord. Let’s be honest – this season has me all CRAZY! I’ve not had a regular “quiet time” in weeks! Pockets of time are all I have right now, but that’s ok. This Christmas season is the year of procrastination! UGH. I mean we have six days until Christmas. WHAAAAAT?! {{Confession: I ordered like a TON of gifts last night…