A Playlist for Bible Study

I’m going to share something little bit different today.One of my steps is to find some good music and invest in earbuds. I spend some afternoons writing, reading, and praying. To help eliminate the distractions, I put in some good music and listen while I study. I make sure I’m in a central location, and I do it during nap time (which is quiet time for the older kids). The kids still come and ask me stuff when I have my…

Psalms to Help You Fall Asleep

Psalms to Help You Fall Asleep Click here to download the FREE printable PDF!  A few months ago I was laying in bed. It was late. Past midnight. I was wide awake, thinking about my life. I mean ALL OF THE THINGS in my life were swirling around in my brain. I tossed. I turned. I ate a Tums. The next thing I knew it was 2 am. I went downstairs to eat a cookie and drink some milk. It didn’t…

Why a Local Bible Study is the Best Way to Connect

On Thursday afternoons my mom would pile all of us kids into the van and drive fifteen minutes to the North side of Charleston. We would all jump out of the car and run up the concrete steps. I can still see the big blue steel door and smell the mixture of chalk and sweat as we walked into the gymnastic’s building. Every Thursday the homeschooling group in our area gathered we could take gymnastics lesson. The little kids were first….

FREE Hope-Filled Encouragement

“Hope itself is like a star – not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. ” ― C.H. Spurgeon 7 Days of HOPE Verses to keep you going. If you find yourself devoid of hope…… If the darkness is too great….. If sadness follows you around…. If hope seems so far away….. Don’t wait to find help, look to Scripture today.  Receive 7 days of emails filled with HOPE. Hope-filled Bible…