How to Find a Restful Christmas (And Life)

Does Christmas season feel so rushed you can’t catch your breath? Do you feel hurried and stressed from the blessings surrounding you? The dreariness of this time of year doesn’t come close to the emptiness in my soul sometimes. Many people are struggling this time of year. And the cold, lack of snow, and just the grays and browns have me feeling all of the anxiety and none of the anticipation. How do I find a rest-filled Christmas? Simply come….

How to Live Faithfully – When Life is Boring

“The test of the life of a saint is not success, but faithfulness in the human life as it actually is.” – Nov. 16. Oswald Chamber Life as it actually is. Wow. Does O. C. know what my life is like? Let me paint you, my faithful reader, a little picture with words….. I wake up to crying (0r screaming) every morning. Sometimes good screaming (only momma’s can relate to the good screaming.) I hop into the shower as they…

3 Ways to Study the Bible

Do you struggle with how to study the Bible? Sometimes we have a hard time knowing where to start. We know we should, but where do we start? The Bible is a big book, and some books are easier to read than others. Sometimes we feel like we’ve read a lot of the same passages, so we want to move to something different. It is hard to know how to develop a HABIT of Bible study, but it is still…

How to Stay Thankful Free Printable

The carnival arrived in town. As we crossed the bridge, we saw the rides, concessions, and lights. We parked the car and walked across the pavement to the grass. My hands were clammy and my heart beat fast. The old ticket was folded then handed to the attendant. We strapped our bodies in the ride and I breathed in deep. Willing my heart to clam, I wiped my hands on my jeans and turned to my friend. We offered each other a weak…