Let’s Begin with A – Back to School Resource

Today was our first day of school! For the first time in five years of home schooling I’m actually excited for school to start. I was trying to figure out why? HAHA! Maybe it’s the new cabinets and moving all of my supplies upstairs to our dining room. Maybe I’m excited after listening to Sarah MacKenzie’s Read Aloud Revival Podcast. Maybe because we are joining a co-op for the first time this year. I KNOW I am excited for my 4-year-old after reading Elizabeth’s…

When People Aren’t Listening

I got in my car, turned the key and sighed. My emotions and body were tired from the meeting. I knew I should have been smiling, feeling refreshed after an evening by myself. Instead I felt let down. When I got home, I replayed some of the conversations from dinner with my husband, trying to figure out why a productive, God-led meeting felt like a let-down.  Was it the nature of the new friendships? Or was it because I wasn’t doing things…

Printable Prayer Cards Issue 4

He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:19 You can come to the Father with your requests. Do not be dismayed if His voice is no longer audible. You might not be able to hear Him with your heart, but He is still listening. In fact, He is hearing you. He sees the hurt, or sadness, or even the sin in your heart. And He is ready to save….

Count to 9 – Dealing With Mommy Anger

  I’m so excited to have Ruthie Gray, from Rear. Release. Regroup. She is a wonderful mentor for young moms. If you are looking for good (practical!) advice from a woman who has walked your road…..check out her website! You’ve done it again – erupted all over your kids and husband, and maybe even the dog. You’re so done with this behavior, and after all, there is such thing as righteous indignation! Doesn’t the verse say, “Be angry” (Ephesians 4:26)?! That alone confirms that…