31 Days {Hope}

{Hope} Hope is that illusive little feeling. Like a flicker of light. Hope is a reflection of something deeper. Something more than just a feeling of “I hope everything works out…..” Afflictions bring hope. Seems contradictory. Seems silly to say that. How is hope grown in the soil of persecution, hardships, grief, and deep hurt? Paul shows us, in the book of Romans, that hope is most definitely found after a life has endured hard things. Romans 5:3-5 – “And not…

31 Days {Perhaps}

{Perhaps} Perhaps. Perhaps I will do this tomorrow. Perhaps I will do it my way. Perhaps God will do it. Perhaps. Maybe. Wondering and wishing. Nothing solid. Nothing definite. Living a life of perhaps leads to a house built on sand. On the edge of a river. A life of perhaps will be washed away with the first flood of the season. I don’t know…perhaps. So many unknowns with life and questions keep us awake at night. Our life in…

31 Days {Crash}

{Crash} Last month, while on vacation, our family was in a serious car accident. The moment of the crash is all a blur now, but the feelings of panic and fear have lingered. We are giving thanks daily for God’s protection on our family. No one was seriously injured. Our car was totaled, but we are fine. At the time of the crash, we were on vacation thousands of miles from home or family. My uncle lived several miles away….

31 Days {Silence}

{Silence} Not all silence is golden. Any mom of young children knows that silence means trouble! Sometimes I crave silence with how loud my house can become! Late at night, when all is quiet, I finally take a breath. I inhale the silence. I exhale the weight of the world. My outward life is so noisy, but my inward life doesn’t have to be. I am constantly seeking to be silent with my relationship with God. I crave to be…