31 Days {Family}

{Family} Family. Is not flesh and blood. Family isn’t even a piece of paper. Family is belonging. Family is feeling safe. Family is love. I thought that we would be a family as soon as the papers were signed. As soon as our hearts saw her face and held her tiny body. But family takes time. It takes time to form the bonds of family. It takes lots of patience. Walls had been built up. Months alone and scared in…

31 Days {Calling}

{Calling} They call me mommy. He calls me my love. Others call me sister, daughter, and friend. What does my Father call me? When I think about a calling, I think about a job. A passion. Something to do. Not something I am. Yet, I am called. To be a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. But I’m also called to DO, not just BE. I’m called to write. I’m called to teach. My calling has little…

31 Days of Writing 2015

Something special happens in October. A community of bloggers and writers gather for 31 Days of Writing. For an extra little challenge, I’ll be also participating in 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes is a “challenge within the challenge,” so to speak — namely, to post on your blog every day in the month of October, but to write each post in only five minutes flat. I will write some of the posts ahead of…

An Invitation to Rest

Isaiah 55 “Come, everyone who thirsts,     come to the waters;” 1. Come. All. All who thirsts. Do you have it all figured it out? Are you comfortable with your life? Completely content? No anxiety? His invitation isn’t for you. Our God calls to those in the pit. To those without light. To those who are struggling. It is a simple invitation: Come. No pre-qualifications. No conditions. Only that you are in need. Only thirst. Come with empty arms. “Listen diligently…