Three Promises for Your Bible Study Journey

Three Promises for Your Bible Study Journey I thought I would be further along than this….. That thought entered my mind recently. I felt so stuck in a spiritual area of my life. I’ve been saved for thirty years and I didn’t see any progress. I felt defeated and stuck. Then I picked up God’s word and read words about sowing and reaping. I realized God was bringing fruit, but maybe I didn’t see it yet. The words, “Don’t grow…

What’s the Good in Waiting?

What’s the Good in Waiting?  When the depression lingers for several days it is hard for me to get up and keep going. My faith feels so small, but I cling to it with bare knuckles. “How long?” I ask God. Although my depression allows me to function, it is a struggle to stay close to God. There are times, though, that I know He is near. Right in the middle of everyday living God reminds me He is near….

Why Does the Resurrection Even Matter?

Why Does the Resurrection Even Matter?  If there was ever a Monday that felt like a Monday, it is the day after Easter. Our family had a wonderful celebration of Jesus’ amazing Resurrection yesterday, but waking up this morning was hard work. I sipped my coffee in the quiet hours, but soon heard the footsteps of my children coming down the stairs.  School, therapy, and laundry are waiting for me. Celebrating the pinnacle of God’s amazing love, light, and plan…

God is Still Good

God is Still Good This past December my husband and I went to a concert. One of the very first songs one of the musicians played was a song that stuck with me for weeks. Then, all of a sudden, I ran across the same song this past weekend.  It took me back to the moment sitting in the auditorium weeping in my chair in the dark. Our Christmas (and the past six months) have made me weep more than…