Stories Change Us: A Guided Reading Plan for the Summer

Stories Change Us: A Guided Reading Plan for the Summer Everytime we drive by our local pool I tell the kids, “I can’t wait until summer!” Last year was our first summer in this new city we are living in. I knew right away that we wanted to join the pool because it was just five minutes from our house. We loved spending lazy summer days there. I can’t wait to do that again. For many years as a mom…

Books I Read in April 2024

Books I Read in April 2024 Each month I love to share with you what I’m reading. Although I love reading the Bible, I read other books too! I read a combination of fiction and nonfiction. I read poetry, fiction, nonfiction, horror (sometimes), and our family is especially fond of listening to audiobooks in the car!  As a way to help me keep track of what I read each month I’ll be making this list and linking to those books…

It’s Ok Not to Be Ok

It’s Ok Not to Be Ok *This devotional first appeared on Living by Design. The day started off wrong. My alarm didn’t go off, and my children were awake before the coffee had started brewing. I was already frustrated, and I didn’t even know why. With small children, the house is filled with laughter and joy, but also work and messes.  What I wish someone would have told me those years ago was this: It’s okay not to be okay. …