Lilies & Sparrows 

Lilies & Sparrows  “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? “ Matthew 6:26 The “what ifs” feel heavy in my head. What if….the biopsy is positive. What if…we don’t have enough to pay off the debt. What if….I never find a place to belong. What if….my child never speaks. What if….grief is too much. No longer…

Books I Read in March 2024

Books I Read in March 2024 Each month I love to share with you what I’m reading. Although I love reading the Bible, I read other books too! I read a combination of fiction and nonfiction. I read poetry, fiction, nonfiction, horror (sometimes), and our family is especially fond of listening to audiobooks in the car!  As a way to help me keep track of what I read each month I’ll be making this list and linking to those books…

Five Lessons on Waiting from the Bible 

Five Lessons on Waiting from the Bible  What does it mean to “wait well?”  I had to wait on some test results a few weeks ago and I commented to my friend, “I don’t think I waited well.”  She replied, “I think you waited great!” “I don’t think so! You didn’t see my crying several nights ago before bed.” “That’s normal! You are human and have feelings….” she told me.  After that conversation I began thinking about that and realized…