Let Go of the Lonely Label

Let Go of the Lonely Label  What is your name? What does the name tag you wear say about you and what you believe about yourself? Women everywhere are living in loneliness. Sometimes it rears its ugly head when they least expect it. Often it simmers under the surface, whispering lies they believe to be true. Because their circumstances go unchanged, they begin to tell themselves they are unloved, uneasy, and unseen.  These are the names they write on the…

How to Read the Bible for Beginners

How To Read the Bible for Beginners  Do you feel like a beginner when it comes to Bible? Are you intimidated by everyone who posts pretty pictures on Instagram of their Bible study/reading space? Is the Bible confusing, collecting dust, or creating in you a deep sense of guilt?  The expert in anything was once a beginner. – Anonymous  Everyone started somewhere – even me! There is no shame in beginning, in fact I salute you for wanting to start…

The One Thing You Need to Write Your Story

Twelve years ago I was a new mom, struggling to figure out what my purpose was in life again. I had spent the past six years prior believing I would teach and this would be my purpose. Now, as a new mom, I had two years under my belt as a teacher only to find myself a stay-at-home mom. What now?  My dream in college had been to write. Majoring in English did really appeal to me. So I choose…

Sorrow and Joy: Close Companions in Life

Sorrow and Joy: Close Companions in Life  Almost four months ago I wrote this in my journal on January 22, 2020.  There are mixed feelings today. Joy and Sorrow. We are moving into our house today! The Joy is to finally be settled. The joy of seeing the children happy and becoming more at peace. The sorrow is there too. That this move is real. We are not on vacation. We are making this our home. Home. A place to…