Free Printable Christian Valentines

  Did you know I used to work at a Hallmark store? Yes, in high school and college I worked at a little shop that sold Hallmark cards. It was called The Hello Shoppe. Don’t you just love that little name? It was teh cutest little store. Our busiest times of the year were Christmas and Valentine’s Day. No surprise there. I remember we would decorate with the red and pink hearts. Just a few days after the first of…

How I Mother With Peace In My Heart

One of my new favorite verses is Isaiah 26:3 “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” I don’t know about you but peace is not something I find very easily. It’s not the amount of kids or the stress of juggling homeschooling and Christian school. It isn’t managing an online business, blog, and finding time to write. The circumstances in my life has always been busy.  Last night I had…

Six Psalms of Hope

Six Psalms of Hope One of my favorite verses is in Psalm 42. A few years ago I spent the full year in the book of Psalms. I read the verses over and over again. After I had read through the book several times I dicicd to park on a few of my favorite psalms. It turned out most of the chapters I decided to focus on where all about one thing: HOPE. In a world full of bad news,…

Why You Need a Jesus-Mentor

Why You Need a Jesus-Mentor  Ana was from Mexico and had three little girls. After attending church with us for awhile my mom asked her if she would teach me Spanish for my high school credit. I was homeschooled and my mom was trying to get all of the required credit for me to graduate. She agreed. So every week we would meet at her small kitchen table for two hours while my mom watched her little girls in the…