How to Listen for God in the Silence {Part 2}

How to Listen for God in the Silence {Part 2} (read part one here.) I can see the sisters grabbing each others hands. I can see the tears, streaming down the cheeks. I can see their weary bodies from caring for their sick brother break under the weight of grief, and begging the God of their Savior to come to them. They begged for Jesus to come, but He stayed two more days. Mary and Martha endured two days of…

How to Break Up With Busy

How to Break Up With Busy……. The light is tricky this time of year. It shines so bright and beautiful outside, the sun just screams warmth. When I walk outside and the air cuts through my skin and I shiver. Don’t get me wrong. I love sweater weather. I love boots, and scarves, and layering. But I don’t like to get deceived in thinking the sun is going to be warm, but then the air is chilly. The advent season…

How to Listen to God in the Silence {Part 1}

How to Listen to God in the Silence {Part 1} So I was thinking about the question why  the other day during my Bible study time. Our little China guy, who has been home for only 4 months, knows very little English. In fact, the words he does know, he uses incorrectly in sentences. Every answer to every questions is “no” – even if he means yes. “Hold you!” Means “hold me.” And so on. Recently he discovered the question…

When Our Life Feels a Little “Off”

When Our Life Feels a Little Off Today I was noticing our cabinet door below our sink in our half bath by the kitchen was broken. I stood there and just sighed. It was like the door was exactly how I felt. A little off. It was a great summary of how my life felt. Just a little off. Broken just a little, still functional and still ok – but when you get down to look at it – it…