What to Do if the Harvest Seems Hollow

What to Do if the Harvest Seems Hollow I look at the years they have been in my home, gone to church, and still they struggle. I wonder about the seeds I’ve planted. What will they bring? It has been a joy to see them blossom this year. Their sweet personalities have come out. Jack’s generous spirit but lack of organization is highlighted. Titus’ sweet, accepting, and easy-going personality in all of the friends he’s made. The way his teacher…

How to Get It All Done in the Busy Season

Lately, I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I “get it all done.” First of all, I don’t. I don’t do “it all.” But I know what they mean: how do I do everything I do? I’m a homeschooling momma, with two in Christian school this year, a special-need’s daughter and a tiny-two-year old who is literally the definition of a “hot mess.” I work in several areas of my local church. I run this blog, develop and…

How to Flourish In the Midst of Change

A few months ago, my sweet friend, hair stylist and photographer, came to our house to snap some photos of our littles. She took this amazing picture of the window behind my sink. I don’t think she knew the window was one of my favorite places in the house, but I LOVE this picture: Don’t get me wrong, I don’t love washing dishes, but I do love looking outside if I have to soak my hands in soapy water. And…

How to Plant Seeds of Prayer

How to Plant Seeds of Prayer Today Last week I shared about my sweet Titus. He is a sweet soul, a middle child and a fierce fighter. The competitive nature, carefree wrestling, and contagious smile hid a deeper soul. It was 5:00 am when the crack of thunder woke us up. The sound of the rain, flashes of light, and that deep rumble, shook the window panes. I rolled over and sighed. I love thunderstorms. My poor Titus usually wakes…